Once You “Get It” You’ll Focus More On The Products

Melaleuca is becoming known around the globe as the world leader in wellness products. A combination of the company’s focus, bright scientists and good fortune has thrust Melaleuca into the spotlight as the company has introduced one lifechanging product after another. There are almost too many products to keep track of—over 360 in total, all derived from natural ingredients combining the most powerful resources of nature and science. There is so much to learn! Sometimes it seems like too much for any one person to try to comprehend.
Melaleuca’s exceptional products continue to propel the company toward unprecedented growth. Hundreds of thousands of American and Canadian households have been converted to the Vitality Pack®, GC Control™, Phytomega®, ProvexCV®, Diamond Brite® and The Gold Bar®. A host of Sei Bella® products have found their way into the vanity cabinets of tens of thousands of discerning women who not only care about how they look today but are taking measures to keep their skin healthy and young to ensure they will still be looking great 30 years from now. These people understand the importance of good nutrition and quality products for their health today as well as tomorrow. Wellness is important to them.
Thousands of new customers join the Melaleuca family every month, and, in the process, those who consistently spread the good news of Melaleuca’s exceptional products prosper. The degree to which many of these families are prospering is truly amazing. Melaleuca has already paid out over $3.5 billion in commissions—yes, that’s billion with a B—to those who’ve referred Melaleuca products to their friends and neighbors. Thousands are supplementing their full-time incomes with this part-time Melaleuca business and providing an additional $300, $500 or $1,000 per month to their family budgets. They are prospering because they have dozens or even hundreds of customers who purchase Melaleuca products month after month.
Many extra-industrious Melaleuca leaders earn hundreds of thousands of dollars per year and several Corporate Directors have now exceeded $1 million per year. And it’s all because of the products. These people are prospering because they have thousands of loyal customers who buy their Melaleuca products month after month.
Melaleuca has established itself as the best, most viable, most lucrative and most dependable financial opportunity in North America.
We are thrilled with the success that so many Melaleuca Marketing Executives are enjoying and with the literal fortunes that are being made by those marketing Melaleuca
products. The success of these very hard-working people is very fulfilling for me.
At the same time, I am concerned about a new element that has started to develop within the ranks of some of our newest business builders. Most of those to whom I am referring were previously with multilevel companies. We have always had a few people with multilevel backgrounds coming to Melaleuca each month. But now they are coming in substantial numbers because they have heard about the money! And that is part of what is causing the problem. Many with MLM backgrounds haven’t taken the time to learn about our exceptional products. In fact, many of them skip right over learning about the science behind the Vitality Pack or GC Control or Diamond Brite. They are more anxious to learn about the money! And therefore, all they are telling their friends about is the money! Since they haven’t studied the product line themselves, it is impossible to tell someone else much about the products. But they are enrolling “people” like crazy—because of the “business opportunity.”
These well-meaning people are teaching the paradigms that they learned at the multilevel company they just came from. They think it’s the “compensation plan” that will attract people to join up with them. In fact, they don’t even talk about enrolling “customers”; they talk about enrolling “people” or “getting people in.” They openly state they are not looking for customers. They are looking for “business builders.” In other words: They just don’t get it! They do not realize that the reason for Melaleuca’s exceptional growth is because of our products. They don’t understand that the reason that Melaleuca has outpaced all the direct-selling and multilevel companies in America is because of the products. Of course, we do have a spectacular business opportunity, but it’s important to note that people only earn commissions when their customers buy products. And since no one is allowed to buy huge quantities of inventory at Melaleuca, customers only buy the products they can use on a monthly basis. In other words, to make money, a businessperson needs lots of customers purchasing only a little each month.

Please understand: Business builders without customers are without merit! Unfortunately, this statement doesn’t hit home for the true, dyed-in-the-wool multi-levelers. They have always been taught to just go after business builders. Someone who does not want to work the business is of little value to them. They would rank someone who is “just a customer” as lower than swamp scum.” I know I am repeating myself, but I’ll say it again: They just don’t get it!
Many of our friends who were formerly with multilevel businesses are wise enough to recognize the difference between Melaleuca and their old company. They see the folly of using multilevel terms and of seeking only “business builders.” But too many just don’t get it!
I feel a sense of urgency to communicate to these thousands of former multilevel marketing executives who “don’t get it,” because if they continue to operate Melaleuca like a multilevel business, they will end up with the same results as found in all multilevel companies. Their businesses will grow rapidly at first with all of the excitement created by the money story—and then they will start to crumble because their businesses were opportunity based and not product or customer based.
A company’s reputation determines its future in the marketplace. Consider Amway’s and Avon’s reputations across the United States and Canada. Avon consistently has enjoyed a great reputation, but people everywhere cringe when they hear the word “Amway.” Why the difference? Because of the approach these companies have used when approaching prospects. Avon used a product approach. Avon became known for great, fun products and the friendly Avon lady. Amway became known as “that money deal.” Amway slowed down long ago in the United States and is in a free fall in many nations around the world. It’s not that Amway people are bad people. They are great people! They just used an approach that turns most people off.
I am asking our Marketing Executives across the company to protect our good name and stop using multilevel concepts and multilevel terms to describe our business. Statistics show that over 60 percent of the people in the United States have a negative opinion about multilevel companies and only 5 percent are interested in developing a home-based business. But 95 percent are interested in buying quality products from a catalog! Those who are only interested in business builders are passing up 90 percent of the market potential and are giving Melaleuca an undeserved “multilevel-like” reputation in the marketplace.
We need to make sure our presentations are focused on products first, not opportunity first. Make sure it is clear you are looking for customers first and business builders second. Talk about enrolling “customers,” not about enrolling “people.” Make sure you get rid of multilevel terminologies like “upline,” “downline,” “pin level,” “ground-floor opportunity” and “getting in.” These terminologies are multilevel concepts that make it appear like we are offering some scheme, gimmick or program. They are not business concepts. If we use gimmicks or multilevel terminologies to discuss our business, people will get the wrong impression. Let’s not do it! It’s not who we are and not who we want to be!
Any great businessperson knows that all of the revenues come from moving product to end consumers. Those who do that will consistently prosper. We have a fantastic business opportunity for those who understand our future is bright only because of our exceptional product line. Those who put Melaleuca’s exceptional financial opportunity in front of Melaleuca’s
exceptional products will have left out the most powerful ingredient in building a blossoming Melaleuca business. The money is exciting, but it only comes to fruition when people have hundreds of loyal customers. And you will not have loyal customers unless you take time to explain some of the science behind Melaleuca’s products.
We welcome the thousands who were formerly with multilevel companies. We hope that you will find a home here after you recognize that the only reason we are successful is because our products are of better quality and better value than anything else available anywhere in the world. We hope you will value every customer and communicate their importance to your success in every presentation. If you do this, you will prosper and you will gain the respect of those around you because they will realize that, after all, you really do get it.
Frank VanderSloot
GREAT article! I have previously been very successful in an MLM company. I now have just become a preferred customer here with Melaleuca, and reading this is a HUGE relief and very refreshing! I am very excited to try all of the products and switch over my household products to Melaleuca!
Great Message Frank,
I’ve been a melaleuca customer for about 3 years now, and always find myself talking about all the great products melaleuca has to offer.
Hi Frank, It was really nice to hear from you, when I pulled up my face book. Really like the product and glad I joined the Melaleuca Business.
Es mur cierto, los que hemos estado en multinivel empezamos siempre empujando la oportunidad, pero lo que crea un verdadero ingreso residual es el respaldo seguro de productos de alta calidad y a un precio razonable.
Melaleuca geht nur über die Produkte und nicht zum schnellen Geldverdienen!Melaleuca fängt man nicht an und hört wieder auf.Zu Melaleuca wird man berufen es ist eine Berufung und wir sind die Auserwählten etwas gutes für unsere Mutter Erde und damit auch für uns alle zu tun.Andere reden wir bewegen.Melaleuca ist eine Mission und ist obendrein 97% beim Göttliche.Die Leute die nur des Geldes kommen werde ich keine Chance geben denn solche Leute sollen was anderes machen.
Thanks for the insight, Frank. I am a new Melaleuca customer and my enroller (Danielle Grimm) did a wonderful job of selling the product concept of Melaleuca. Hearing about the all natural and safe product was the key selling point for me and the idea of saving money on the products I buy and making money was just an added bonus! I am excited to receive my first order and try the products so I can spread the word about the amazing products Melaleuca has to offer!