The Peacemakers

Hands presenting an olive branch

Imagine for a moment the impact you could have on the quality of your life, and the lives of others around you, if you could become a more skillful peacemaker—one who could calm troubled waters before small problems became large problems. The benefits that come from peacemaking can be enormous. Individually, we enjoy a greater…

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Where Are You Really Going?

On March 20, 2013, a deserted Japanese fishing vessel was spotted 150 nautical miles south of Queen Charlotte Islands, adjacent to the main coast of British Columbia. It was rusty and battered but still intact. When the Canadian authorities searched the ship, they found there were no crewmen on the boat. The press immediately dubbed…

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The Freiburg Study: The findings are profound, but explaining it can be simple.

The Freiburg Study Researcher

Though the full, detailed results of the Freiburg Study are available at, explaining it can be simple. As you talk to customers about the Freiburg Study, here are the key points to remember: The results are profound.The landmark Freiburg Study proved—for the first time ever—that nutritional supplements can have a significant impact on multiple…

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Growth Rings

“Some of our greatest periods of growth follow periods of adversity and stress.”  Years ago, a family took a vacation to the mighty redwood forests of California. Before the trip, they bought a new car—the first they had ever owned. Every day, the father washed it, shined it, and gave his family strict instructions regarding…

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Be Part of the Wellness Movement!

Be Part of the Wellness Movement!

Print your own poster! They say you can have too much of a good thing. And while that may be true of chocolate ice cream, triple-digit summer days, and Netflix binges, I’ve yet to see how much wellness is too much. The definition of wellness itself encompasses balance and fulfillment in all aspects of our…

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The Power of One

The Power of 1

The power of one is a reality. One seed results in a single tree, shade to sit under, oxygen to breathe, and additional seeds that lead to even more trees that beautify our planet. Likewise, one person can provide encouragement or offer assistance, share new insight or needed advice, and change the course of your…

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