Celebrating Halloween at Melaleuca

Melaleuca Employees dressed up for Halloween

The Annual Halloween Celebration is a Staple of the Melaleuca Family Culture As an annual treat for the families of its employees, Melaleuca once again opened the doors to its home office and handed out mounds of candy to hundreds of children. Melaleuca’s Halloween celebration has not only become a beloved tradition, but a part…

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Feeding the Hungry

Boy Scout Food Drive

Melaleuca CEO Frank VanderSloot looks over stacks of donations raised during this year’s Scouting for Food drive and takes a photo with a young Boy Scout volunteer and two leaders from the BSA’s Grand Teton Council. Did you know that Melaleuca: The Wellness Company has helped to raise 2,350 tons of food and served hundreds…

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The Benefits and Uses of Melaleuca Oil (Tea Tree Oil)

Melaleuca MelaOil T36 C5-1

Inside the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia—the “tea tree” of Australia—is an amazing substance made of more than 100 natural compounds. Some of these useful compounds are found nowhere else in nature. Melaleuca Oil is an essential oil unlike any other. In fact, with its unique combination of six incredible properties, impressive healing ability, and many…

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Welcome to the New and Improved MelaleucaJournal.com!

MelaleucaJournal.com Redesign

MelaleucaJournal.com Redesign If you’re thinking MelaleucaJournal.com looks a lot different than the last time you visited, that’s because it is. We’ve taken the content from our old website and given it a fresh new look, while adding anemphasis on social media and shareability. The new MelaleucaJornal.com has a clean design that makes navigation simple and…

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Ice Bucket Challenge Dumps Millions into ALS Fight

Frank Vandersloot ALS Challenge

Thanks to the power of social media, a freezing-cold fundraiser and awareness campaign is now completely on fire. The Ice Bucket Challenge encourages people to dump ice water on their heads and donate money to spread the awareness and aid in the research of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease more commonly known…

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The Vitality Pack® with Oligo®

Melaleuca Vitality Women's and Calcium Complete

THE VITALITY PACK PROVIDES RESEARCH-RECOMMENDED LEVELS of key nutrients customized for your age and gender. It’s also the only multivitamin powered by our patented Oligo mineral delivery technology. Only Oligo helps keep nutrients in a form your body can more easily absorb. As a result, you get a lifetime of better health and wellness. Not…

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