Social Media at Convention 2014

People walking around at Melaleuca Convention

This year at Convention 2014, we’re getting social! We’re thrilled about everything that’s happening and we hope you’ll join us. We’ll actively be posting Convention updates, announcements, and pictures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram as they happen! You’ll definitely want to connect with us so you can be part of the Convention 2014 celebration. Here’s…

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Learn to Earn :: Tremendous Success in Just Three Months!

Happy Woman With Digital Tablet

The Learn to Earn program has been an unprecedented success in the short time the program has been available. We’ve never seen a program deliver the kind of results and have the kind of impact like Learn to Earn. Educating our customers is powerful. Our research proves that once a customer understands the science and…

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Sharing the Power of Melaleuca Renew

Melaleuca Renew Bottles

How a chance encounter equaled big relief for the Robinson family Nicole lay in bed listening to the sounds of her son tossing and turning in the other room. She heard him scratching, scratching—always scratching. In the morning he would wake cranky and exhausted with several new scabs as evidence of his nails worrying away…

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Not a Vitamin Person

Yvette Zona didn’t take vitamins. She didn’t think they mattered. After all, she was in good health and had plenty of energy. Fortunately for Yvette, her presenter convinced her to try the 90-Day Challenge. “I figured I’d just take the vitamins for 90 days and then get all my money back,” Yvette recalls. Only something…

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Life’s Better On A Budget

A couple budgeting

Have you ever daydreamed about having more money than you knew what to do with? Imagine wanting something—stylish new shoes, a sports car, a sprawling mansion, an island, anything—and buying it without pause thanks to your bottomless, overflowing coffers. How wonderful would that be? Unfortunately, none of us has an inexhaustible supply of money. Income…

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