8 Steps to Smooth, Supple Skin All Winter Long

Melaleuca Product Renew line

If you are a dry skin sufferer, you may be uncomfortable even letting others see your skin, let alone touch it. Renew® Lotion can help restore your confidence. Smoother, softer skin doesn’t just feel healthier. It looks healthier. 1 Nix Hot Showers Standing under steaming water for 30 minutes can be your own slice of…

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Just in Time for the Holidays

The Grimley Family

Between their bills and a mountain of maxedout credit cards, the Grimleys only had $150 leftover each month to feed their family of four. Forget movies or new shoes or even candy for the stockings—how could they possibly provide basic nutrition for an entire month with only $150? Almost overnight, the Grimleys’ finances crumbled into…

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Chemical Warfare: How Chlorine Bleach turns Your Home Into A Danger Zone

Gas Mask and Bleach

You clean your home to make it a safer, more enjoyable place to be. But what if the very products you use to clean your home are actually making it more dangerous and more uncomfortable for your family? For decades, customers have mistakenly equated chlorine bleach with words like “clean” and “safe”. But the reality…

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Melaleuca’s 2013 MVPs: Products That Enhance Lives

Moth tickling her daughter

Melaleuca offers more than 350 exclusive wellness products. Each product gives you and your business the tools to take control of your health and home, and to enhance your life and the lives of your family. There are five nutritional superstars that offer truly life-changing benefits to everyone who uses them. The first step to…

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Every Day Matters

Women taking Melaleuca Vitality Multi Vitamins

THE POWER OF CONSISTENT DAILY NUTRITION Just like you need to eat more than once a day, taking your vitamins twice daily helps ensure your body has exactly what it needs—when it needs it most. Patented Potency Protection Not all minerals are created equal. Only Melaleuca supplements are powered by patented Oligo® to provide superior…

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Better Than Winning the Lottery

Nick and Crystal Volk

Nick and Crystal Volk know what it’s like to burn the candle at both ends. For 25 years they worked nonstop: seven days a week and double shifts. “As young people, we were taught right away to work hard and save our money,” Crystal says. “When we got married, we started with very little. We…

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