Become Your Best, Today

By Melaleuca Senior VP of Sales Darrin Johnson All of us have an ideal for ourselves—our concept of how good we could be, or perhaps how good we once were. But some of us have developed this idea that we’ll never truly reach that ideal, that we’re long past our prime. Even if that were…

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Healthy Holiday Spending

Healthy Holiday Spending

Have a Joyful Holiday Season Without Breaking the Bank The holiday spending season is already in full swing. With all of the dazzling advertisements that will surely be shoved in our faces over the next two months, it could be really easy to buy all the hype and fall headfirst into the spending trap. After…

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The Work of Angels

Baby in Red Overalls

There’s something about the holidays that puts people in a charitable mood. After all, it is the gift-giving season. From food drives, to soup kitchens, to bell-ringing Salvation Army Santas, there are countless opportunities to lend a helping hand to those in need. However, acts of sacrifice and kindness don’t have to be relegated to…

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Just in Time for the Holidays

The Grimley Family

Between their bills and a mountain of maxedout credit cards, the Grimleys only had $150 leftover each month to feed their family of four. Forget movies or new shoes or even candy for the stockings—how could they possibly provide basic nutrition for an entire month with only $150? Almost overnight, the Grimleys’ finances crumbled into…

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Better Than Winning the Lottery

Nick and Crystal Volk

Nick and Crystal Volk know what it’s like to burn the candle at both ends. For 25 years they worked nonstop: seven days a week and double shifts. “As young people, we were taught right away to work hard and save our money,” Crystal says. “When we got married, we started with very little. We…

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Welcome to The Melaleuca Family

Melaleuca marketing executives

As I travel across North America, I can’t help noticing the diversity of the thousands upon thousands of customers and Marketing Executives that Melaleuca has attracted. Everywhere I go, I meet customers from all backgrounds, ethnicities, countries, cultures and religions. As unique and individual as we all are—as different as we are—there are two things…

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