When the problem is toxic cleaning products, the solution is simple: Switch to EcoSense.

When you’re faced with greasy cleaning jobs, you don’t need to resort to heavy-duty cleaning products from national brands containing dangerous chemicals like chlorine bleach, ammonia, or quaternary disinfectants. You just need MelaMagic’s biodegradable grease-cutters for super-powered cleaning without endangering your family’s health or negatively impacting the environment. In fact, it is now proven to…

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8 Great Rules for Better Lung Health

Melaleuca Products

Take a deep breath. In. And out. That right there…is the essence of life. You are completely dependent on your body’s ability to draw in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide to go on living. Each breath draws in essential oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere and pulls it deep into your lung tissue. Large passageways…

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Breathe easy when you clean with so-much-safer Sol-U-Mel!

Melaleuca Sol-U-Mel

Isn’t it just awful how so many stain remover products almost advise you to wear a space suit when using their product? They instruct you to wear eye protection and a face mask, cover your skin when using it, and wash any part of your skin exposed to it. They actually use the word contamination,…

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Is Our Food Failing Us?

food failing us

For most of us, we aren’t eating what we should. This modern diet isn’t delivering the crucial nutrients you need for optimal health. And even if you switch to healthier alternatives, you’ll still find yourself lacking for nutrition. Over the last 100 years, there has been a major shift in the eating habits of the…

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