Meet the Newest Melaleuca Products Announced at Convention 2018

new melaleuca products - convention 2018

Several amazing new Melaleuca products were just unveiled at Convention 2018 in Salt Lake City. Thousands in attendance cheered as each one of these exclusive wellness products was introduced on stage. For more than 30 years, Melaleuca’s Preferred Members have come to expect the very best from The Wellness Company. That’s because each and every…

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Lung Study Receives Global Media Attention

Melaleuca Media Coverage Blog

A new, independent study based on 20 years of research reveals a sobering fact: cleaning your home with national brand cleaners significantly damages lung tissue. Nearly all of the national brand cleaning products you buy at the grocery store are made with a multitude of harmful chemicals. According to the study, some of the likely…

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Clean Your Toilet Without Losing Your Breath

safe mighty toilet cleaner

Shocking information has recently come to light about household cleaners that rely on chlorine bleach and other harsh chemicals: they are dangerous and come at great expense to our health. A new, independent study based on 20 years of research shows that the vapors created by cleaning your toilet with grocery store brands as little…

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Tub & Tile Cleans without any Dirty Secrets

Tub and Tile is safe

Those friendly little scrub brushes pictured on Scrubbing Bubbles® Foaming Bleach Bathroom Cleaner look so cute, don’t they? What isn’t cute is the toxic chlorine bleach this product uses to clean. Bleach is toxic to people, animals, and our environment and it can irritate your nose, eyes, skin, and lungs. That’s why the label on every bottle…

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