GC Control™

GC Control™
Great at snack time or with a sensible meal, GC Control is powerful blood sugar metabolism support disguised as a delicious protein and fiber-filled shake. Clinically tested GC Control provides natural blood sugar and weight support to help control carbohydrate and sugar cravings and deliver metabolism and energy support for healthy individuals.
Stop the carb cravings
The average American consumes the equivalent of up to a pound of sugar every two days! Carb-heavy, sugar-loaded foods can cause your blood sugar to spike, sapping your energy and triggering fat storage. GC Control helps limit those carb cravings and puts you back in control.
Support healthy blood sugar from all angles
A proper diet that promotes healthy blood sugar metabolism can help your body use fat instead of storing it. If you want
to actively support blood sugar already in a healthy range,
you need to:
- Support healthy blood sugar levels
- Maintain healthy insulin response
- Optimize blood sugar and carbohydrate metabolism
The one-of-a-kind GC Control technology helps
address all three factors by using the power of Oligo,
plus a proprietary blend of specially formulated ingredients--backed by clinical research.
Natural ingredients, real results
As the world's foremost expert in mineral delivery systems and a proven formulator of concentrated, bioactive ingredients, Melaleuca leveraged their expertise to identify proven natural ingredients. Then we enhanced them in a way only Melaleuca can for clinically tested results.
Oligo chromium
Supports diets deficient in chromium and is necessary for proper carbohydrate metabolism*
Cinnamon bark extract
Supports glucose levels already in a healthy range*
Korean red ginseng root
Helps support normal glucose uptake*
Mulberry extract
Helps slow the absorption of high glycemic foods*
Green tea leaf extract
Promotes normal insulin activity in healthy individuals*
Sweet potato extract
Supports fasting blood sugar levels already in a healthy range*
†Supportive but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. A daily dose of Vitality Coldwater Omega-3 supplies 930 mg of EPA and DHA.
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Wow I didnt know about all these things but will get some of them