We’re Getting Social! Are You?

Some incredible things happened at A New Day! Convention 2014, and the incredible didn’t stop there! In June, President’s Club earners took a trip to the Mexican Riviera with our CEO Frank VanderSloot. This week is our Road to Executive Director event and the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration in Idaho Falls!
Celebration is happening at Melaleuca, and lots of it! We want you to be part of it, so we’re sharing and posting on our social platforms! We really hope you’ll join us by sharing and posting about your events! Here’s how: Take photos of your Melaleuca events and experiences, and then post them to your personal social accounts with messages and our official hashtags!
Like Our Facebook Page
Like and follow our corporate Facebook page and stay in the know! https://www.facebook.com/melaleuca
Join Our Regional Groups On Facebook!
Interact daily with your team and other local leaders. Hear about events specific to your area, see pictures from events, trainings, and celebrations, and get special access to training calls! http://bit.ly/1qcKQV6
Follow Us On Instagram! @melaleuca_inc
To see pictures from President’s Club Mexico, July Road to Executive Director, and the upcoming Melaleuca Freedom Celebration, check out our new Instagram: www.instagram.com/melaleuca_inc
Stay In The Know About Melaleuca On Twitter! @Melaleuca
Follow us on Twitter! Then make sure to Tweet using our official Melaleuca event hashtags, so we can hear about your favorite team events!
Our Official Melaleuca Event Hashtags
Using Hashtags
If you’re unfamiliar with using hashtags, just keep these key points in mind and you’ll be set!
- Using a hashtag categorizes your posts, photos and Tweets by linking them to other posts and Tweets that include the same hashtag.
- You can use hashtags on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!
- When you post a message that you’d like everyone in the same audience to see on one of those social platforms, add a “#” and the hashtag word. Your message will then be searchable under that hashtag!
Example: Celebrating Independence Day with friends and family at our annual neighborhood picnic. Grateful for all of the freedoms we enjoy in this country! #melaleucafreedomcelebration
Posting on Social Media
We encourage you to share using social media platforms, but just make sure to post and Tweet within Melaleuca’s social media policies!
Need a reminder? Review our easy-to-use guide https://www.melaleucajournal.com/get-social-5-tips-using-social-media-grow-melaleuca-business/ on implementing social media into your Melaleuca business.
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It is great to see Melaleuca opening up to social media. Rightly approached, online tools can be a powerful means of keeping in touch, sharing the message, and accomplishing our mission statement. (Certainly, it is important to follow the guidelines.) Kudos to the team for testing the waters.